Steel Beams – cut to length
Receive a 10% Discount on Steel Beams – cut to length – from
A coupon code for is included with your Gorilla Wall Brace® order. Search by Item # to get the engineer specified beam for the Gorilla Wall Brace system…

Steel Beams for Gorilla Wall Braces
When you purchase Gorilla Wall Braces®, the required steel beams may be purchased at a local establishment. However, if you do not have a local supplier, we have partnered with to give our Gorilla Wall Brace® customers a 10% discount. offers online shopping and delivery right to your home with custom-cut sizes to 1/16”. They offer discounted shipping or free shipping on larger orders and can expedite processing for a small fee if needed.
You can check on beam prices with delivery to your home at
The 10% off discount code is sent to you after your Gorilla Wall Brace® purchase.